Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Bring Me the Jib of Alfredo Garcia

Jib, jib, jibbity jib jib. Mmm how I love this word. I want one. Look at this thing! One of those around the set and morale will be soaring, believe you me. Perhaps we should get two, then. You know; mount one jib to the end of the other, so that you have wheels on the ground, jib arm connected to another jib arm and wheels flying in the air! Yeah! Imagine the shots you could get with that! 'Course there'd be no place for the camera anymore but still; think of the morale!

Ok, ok, maybe not two jibs, but in order to do all the shots in the bed (of which there are quite a few now that I've been counting them), we'd need something like this that will free us up from bed-level takes. Apparently they're not exhorbitantly expensive and do not require so much practice.

On the other hand, everything in London is expensive and I've been researching alternatives to the jib. A friend suggested mounting the camera on a hihat and suspending it on two sets of ladders. You'd end up with static shots, yes, but it'd cost nothing.

Any ideas?


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